#CharlotteRising hosted leaders from MI Main Street and Project Rising Tide last Tuesday, July 26th for an all-day visit, gaining invaluable insights, tips, and feedback for our push towards the Select Level designation.
Read More"INSPIRE, a new sculpture being gifted to AL!VE from the Howser family, captures the spirit of new beginnings that lead us to transform and evolve and become better. The sculpture is being built this summer and will be unveiled before Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital’s annual gala Thursday, Sept. 15."
This community is beyond powerful with a heart filled with generosity and inspiration.
Read MoreOur perfectly imperfect painting, however, was not about the product – it was moreover about the process. ... No dirt tire tracks or wet mud stains on the crosswalks can taint the pride we shared that day as a community. ... We showed what our community can accomplish together.
Read MoreA committee of local volunteers has assembled to coordinate resources, and they named the local Rising Tide initiative #CharlotteRising. You’ll see and hear #CharlotteRising referenced frequently around town and connected to several ongoing initiatives to revitalize the area, especially the downtown area.
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